Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

I was in some really good sleep this morning when the tones went off for a call in our first due (finally). So we all run out of bed and get to the trucks because the nature of the call is rather serious sounding. We roll the ambulance and the wagon for additional manpower, just because the call is shaping up to the a possible code.

Once we arrive on scene the Lt. for Botetourt County is already inside with the patient. Turns out the call wasn't as bad as it sounded, nor was anything wrong other then the fact grandma was sleeping really, really good (kind of like I was before tones went off). Apparently the patient was snoring and since the patient doesn't normally snore, they got scared and called 911. WTF? If making noise in your sleep was a reason to call 911, everyone here at this station agrees I should of had 911 called on my every night for some of the noises that I make in my sleep.

So, a fairly busy night looks like it is going to turn into a fairly busy morning.

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